

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

08.00-08.30 Registration
08.30-09.15 Opening Ceremony
09.15-09.30  Break, Press Conference
09.30-10.00 Keynote Speaker : Dr. Alue Dohong, MSc.


A. Jonay Jovani Sancho

Invited Speaker:
Prof. Fachmuddin Agus (BRIN)
Prof. Sang Ho Yun (NTU, Singapore)
Dr. Julia Drewer (UK CEH)
Prof. Dr. Supiandi Sabiham (IPB University)
12.30-13.00 Lunch
  Main Hall (PPIIG 6th Flooor)


Gusti Anshari

Net Greenhouse Gas Balance in Tropical Peatland of Sumatra, Indonesia: A Comparative Analysis of Different Land Uses; Chandra S. Deshmukh, Ari P. Susanto, Nardi, Nurholis, Sofyan Kurnianto, Yogi Suardiwerianto, M. Hendrizal, Ade Rhinaldy, Reyzaldi E. Mahfiz, Ankur R. Desai, Susan E. Page, Alexander R. Cobb, Takashi Hirano, Frédéric Guérin, Dominique Serça, Yves T. Prairie, Fahmuddin Agus, Dwi Astiani, Supiandi Sabiham, Chris D. Evans
Elevated methane flux in a tropical peatland post-fire is linked to depth-dependent changes in peat microbiome assembly; Aditya Bandla, Hasan Akhtar, Massimo Lupascu, Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri, Sanjay Swarup
Fluvial Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Export from Tropical Peatlands in Sumatra, Indonesia; Sofyan Kurnianto, Nurul Pertiwi, Abdul Jabbar, Nardi, Nurholis, Nurul A. Fitriyah, Nurcahaya Simamora, Chris D. Evans, Susan E. Page, Dwi Astiani, Supiandi Sabiham, Chandra S. Deshmukh
Investigating CO2 flux in oil palm Agrosystems across Varied water table levels; Bayu Septi Wibowo, Bram Hadiwijaya, and Jean-Pierre Caliman
N2O Emissions from various N-fertilisers in Oil Palm Plantations: Effect of Soil Moisture and Coating Urea with Urease and Nitrification Inhibitors; Ribka Sionita T, Abednego L. Simamora, Pujianto, Bram H, Chen Zixian, J.P. Caliman


Uras Tantulo

Quantifying Transpiration Rates and its Controlling Factors in Acacia crassicarpa Plantations on Tropical Peatlands; Sofyan Kurnianto, Abdul Jabbar, Nurul Pertiwi, Yogi Suardiwerianto, Nurul A. Fitriyah, Nurcahaya Simamora, Chris D. Evans, Susan E. Page, Dwi Astiani, Supiandi Sabiham, Chandra S. Deshmukh
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Sumatra’s Tropical Peatlands, Indonesia; Chandra S. Deshmukh, Nardi, M. Hendrizal, Nurholis, Ade Rhinaldy, Ari P. Susanto, Sofyan Kurnianto, Atik Nurwanda, Susan E. Page, Fahmuddin Agus, Dwi Astiani, Supiandi Sabiham, Chris D. Evans
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Non-Burn and Non-Chemical Agrofore stry Systems in Degraded Tropical Peatlands; Taryono Darusman, Zidna Husna Salsabilla, Dwi Puji Lestari, Asrul David, Ajeng Adventiaputri
Updating emission factors for Southeast Asian peatlands; Chris D. Evans
14:50-15:00 Prayer Break
15.00-15.30 Coffee Break and Poster Presentation


Fengky F. Adji

The use of a syringe to measure the bulk density of peat soil; Gusti Anshari, Rossie W. Nusantara, Evi Gusmayanti, Christina Sinaga
Assessing tree biomass and its decomposition for tropical peat swamp forest ecosystems in Indonesia; Adi Jaya, A. Jonay Jovani Sancho, Sofie Sjorgensen
Water Table Dynamic and Peat Motion in Forest and Burnt Areas in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia; Lisna Yulianti, Salampak Dohong, Adi Jaya, A. Jonay Jovani-Sancho
Study of the Impact of Peat Restoration on the Sebangau – Katingan Peat Hydrological Unit in Central Kalimantan; Hendrik Segah, Dhanu Pitoyo, Nomeritae, Sustiyah, Saputra Adiwijaya, Zafrullah Damanik, Chaidir Adam, M. Arief Rafsanjani, Okta Simon, Fenky Wirada
The Hydrophobicity Characteristics and IR Spectra of Tropical Peat Soil: Case Study of Land Use Change in Block A Ex Mega Rice Project Kalimantan; Zafrullah Damanik, Fengky F. Adji, Nina Yulianti, Laura L.B. Graham, and Samantha R.P. Grover 
16.30-17.30 Dinner and Traditional Music

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

07.45-08.00 Coffee Break
  Main Hall Theater 1


Vontas A. Nahan

Future projections of river flows across Peninsular Malaysia; Ponnambalam Rameshwaran, Victoria A. Bell, Helen N. Davies, Zed Zulkafli, Balqis M. Rehan and Tochukwu Okeke Induction of Laccase Activity in the White-Rot Fungus Polyporales sp. Isolated from Rotten Wood in Bukit Tangkiling Nature Park; Abudarin, I Nyoman Sudyana, Soaloon Sinaga, Wahyu Supriyati, Retno Agnestisia, Desi Panjaitan, Karelius, Dessy Analinta, Sugeng Mashabhi, Cindi Siagian
Effect of Land and Water Management on Peat Soil Bulk Density at Coconut Plantation; Suwardi, Rahmatillah Putri, Iskandar, Basuki Sumawinata Impact of Restoration on Orangutan Population Sustainability in Sebangau National Park; Noviyanti Nugraheni, Andro Mikho Sion, Suyoko, Risfatul Ulya, Mark E Harrison
Quantifying the effect of biomass burning on reactive nitrogen deposition in Southeast Asia; Tomas Liska, Janice Scheffler, Yuanlin Wang, Rachel Beck, Samuel J. Tomlinson, Edward J. Carnell, Eiko Nemitz and Massimo Vieno The Growth and Production of Sweet Corn (Zea mays saccharata) by Applying Cow Manure Compost Mixed with Kalakai (Stenochlaena palustris) in Peatlands; Nyahu Rumbang,  Paulini, Ria Anjalani, Erina Riak Asie
PM2.5 and CO concentrations from Peatland Forest fires 2023 in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia; Kitso Kusin, Adi Jaya, Mofit Saptono The Growth and Yield of Solanum ferox L. as Impacted of Ameliorants in Peat Soil; Hastin Ernawati Nur Chusnul Chotimah, Bambang Supriyono Lautt, Sri Endang Agustina Rahayuningsih, Untung Darung, Bosma Halashon Simanjuntak
Bioaccumulation of Metals in Forest Plants in Central Kalimantan Gold Mine Tailings; Patricia E. Putir, Sampang Impact of Food Estate Policy Implementation on the Local Economy and Community Welfare in Central Kalimantan: Post-Implementation Review; Riamona Sadelman Tulis, Agus Pramusinto, Agustinus Subarsono, Bevaola Kusumasari


Hendrik Segah

What Are the Impacts of Tropical Peatland Revegetation on Biodiversity?; Mark E. Harrison, Muhammad Ali Imron, Darmae Nasir, Nicolas J. Deere, Hastin Ambar Asti, Pau Brugues Sintes, Susan M. Cheyne, William Healy, Hendri, Brendan Holly, Iwan, Ici P. Kulu, Kitso Kusin, Daniel R. Katoppo, Janice S. H. Lee, Adhy Maruli, Magdalena Mleczko, Helen C. Morrogh-Bernard, Ari Purwanto, Nur Estya Binte Rahman, Bernat Ripoll Capilla, Salahudin, Santiano, Stuart W. Smith, Matthew Struebig, Jito Sugardjito, Jatna Supriatna, F. J. Frank van Veen  
Phytochemical screening of Punak (Tetramerista glabra Miq.) leaf powder using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) technique; Erna Shinta, Elita, Adi Jaya  
Promoting Sustainable Land Management and Ecosystem Protection in Wetlands of Central Kalimantan Province: a Spatial Policy Concept based on Geospatial Perspective; Vera Amelia, Andy Bhermana, and Soaloon Sinaga  
Exergoenvironmental Analysis of Renewable Multi-Generation System; Vontas Alfenny Nahan, Lola Cassiophea, Harie Satiyadi Jaya  
Perception-based assessment to understand locally relevant impacts of peat-fire and haze on human wellbeing in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia; Lucentezza Napitupulu, Rachel Carmenta, Rory Padfield, Effie Papargyropoulou, Dominick Spracklen, Shofwan Choiruzzad  
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break and Poster Presentation


Retno Agnestisia

Growth and Yield of Corn Varieties on Flooded Burning Peat Soils; Sri Endang Agustina Rahayuningsih, Zafrulah Damanik, Dede Maulana  
Can Reusable Bags Reduce Plastic Waste? An Analysis of Willingness to Pay in Yogyakarta and Surakarta Cities; Dian Rachma Herawati, Evi Gravitiani, Hendrik Segah  
Socio-Economic and Geo-Spatial Analysis: Can the Existence of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Waste Management Reduce Daily Waste Production in Indonesia?; Ainina Ratnadewati, Evi Gravitiani, Hendrik Segah  
The Triple Layer Business Model Canvas application in Sustainable Waste Management: A Case Study in Telaga Ngebel, Ponorogo, Indonesia; Anisya Nur Widya, Evi Gravitiani, Ika Alicia Sasanti, Hendrik Segah  


Adi Jaya

Nutrient Content of Water at Different Landuse in Peatland of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia; Yustinus Sulistiyanto  
Waste, Tubers and Seeds From Peat Land As An Alternative Media For Fungal Growth Media; Yanetri Asi Nion, Kamillah, Elfa Risa Fauziah, Pandriyani  
Why Ex-Mega Rice Project on Peatland in Central Kalimantan Must Be Continue by Indonesian Government; The Against Critique on The Development of Food Estate Project on  Tropical Pealand; Darmae Nasir  
Measurement of Biomass and Carbon Emissions in Secondary Forests in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia; Yosep  
In Vitro Suppression of Fungal Pathogen Used Local Plant from Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia as Biological Control Agent; Nesa Cristia, Yanetri Asi Nion, Pandriyani, Ricky Djauhari  
Growth of  Seven Years Old Red Meranti (Shorea leprosula Miq.) in the Nursery at Palangka Raya University, Indonesia; Muhammad Fadhil Amiruddin Sudomo, Chartina Pidjath, Daniel Anugerah Kalawa  
Vegetation Diversity and Carbon Stock of the Benyawai- Salajaan Hills Forest Unit, Central Kalimantan; Hendra Toni, Nur M Heriyanto, Edi Mirmanto and Antonius Triyadi  
12.30-13.30 Lunch and Poster Presentation
13.30-15.00 Workshop on low-cost sensors developed for peatland research  
Jonay – PeatCam: a low-cost Raspberry Pi-based time-lapse camera to monitor peat motion and environmental data; A. Jonay Jovani Sancho, Chris D. Evans; Nathan  
Low-Cost Hybrid Technology Based on Internet of Things (IoT) and Data Loggers to Monitor Water Table Depth in Peatlands; Lola Cassiophea, Jany Tri Raharjo, Salampak Dohong, Vontas Alfenny Nahan, Zafrullah Damanik, Berkat Pisi, Natalina Asi, Rinto Alexandro, Gunarjo Suryanto Budi, Ruli Meiliawati, Davit Purwodesrantau, Dermawati Sihite, Ambia Rio Suwanda, Adi Jaya, Antonio Jonay Jovani Sancho, Eka Nur Taufik, Lusia Widiastuti, Inga Torang, Yesser Priono, Petrisly Perkasa, Whendy Trissan, Radifan Rahman  
15:00-15:30 Prayer Break and Coffee Break
15.30-16:00 Closing Ceremony

List of Posters :